Guide To Rooibos Tea for Weight Loss

Rooibos Tea Weight Loss

If you’ve been looking for an herbal supplement that may help you lose weight, you’ve probably heard of rooibos — also known as redbush — tea. Rooibos tea originated in South Africa, where it is a popular drink for both adults and children. Although it is not a true tea, it is an herbal tisane made by fermenting the Aspalathus linearis plant and is especially popular in Japan and parts of Europe.

How Does Rooibos Tea Help With Losing Weight?

While researchers have yet to study rooibos tea directly related to weight loss, it is gaining popularity as one of the superheroes of the herbal tea world, and many are claiming to have used it to lose weight. One possible reason for this could be the effect that rooibos has on stress. Many people find themselves more prone to overeating after a particularly stressful day, but drinking rooibos tea regularly can decrease the body’s response to stress and help curb excess calorie intake. Rooibos can also help you get a better night’s sleep, which has been shown to speed up metabolism.

Rooibos tea is naturally sweet, which means you won’t need to add extra sugar or honey to it to make it drinkable. If you usually drink soda, sweet tea or juice, substituting rooibos tea can be a natural way to satisfy your sweet tooth. Replacing a sugary beverage with rooibos also decreases your overall calorie intake (8 ounces of rooibos has only 2 calories), helping your slim down without feeling deprived.

Rooibos Tea Weight Loss

What Other Benefits Does Rooibos Tea Offer?

While rooibos tea can be an important part of a diet and lifestyle change, it also helps increase your overall health. Here are just a few of the benefits rooibos has to offer both during your weight loss journey and once you’re in maintenance mode.

  • Caffeine free. Unlike black, white, and green tea, rooibos is naturally caffeine free, which makes it a healthy choice for those who want all of the benefits of tea without feeling jittery or dealing with rebound headaches.
  • High in antioxidants. Rooibos is high in antioxidants and flavanoids but has a lower concentration of tannins than other teas. Researchers have been testing the possibility of the active compounds in rooibos being used in treatments for cancer, HIV and Type 2 diabetes.
  • Lowers blood pressure. There is some scientific evidence that suggests that rooibos may help in lowering blood pressure and promoting overall cardiovascular health.
  • Helps calm upset stomach. In South Africa, rooibos tea is consumed in unlimited quantities and is even given to babies to help reduce the symptoms associated with colic. Its antispasmodic properties also aid in relieving gastrointestinal issues.

How Do You Prepare Rooibos Tea?

Rooibos tea is prepared in much the same way as other herbal teas. Bring water to a boil in a tea kettle or small sauce pan. To make one serving, add 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons of rooibos tea leaves to a teapot and then add 8 ounces of boiling water. Let steep for at least 5 minutes, but longer is often better when it comes to herbal teas. In South Africa, rooibos is traditionally steeped for several days to bring out the flavor. Pour the steeped tea, straining as you go, into a teacup and enjoy. Rooibos is also a particularly good choice for those who prefer iced tea. Just follow the directions above and let chill in the refrigerator until cold.