Turmeric Tea & Its Benefits

Turmeric Tea

Turmeric tea has powerful antioxidants made to boost your immune system. You will also find anti-inflammatory benefits and a possible link to anti-cancer properties. Plus, it is an easy to find spice that you can grind into your own healthy tea and mix with many flavors to create a winning combination.

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is a spice that is used in the creation of curry. Known as Curcuma Longa, turmeric grows in Southeast Asia and is a member of the ginger family. The plant is perennial and has muted, yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. The roots of the plant are boiled, dried and ground into the spice to make the tea. It is available in powder, liquid and tincture forms.

What is Turmeric Tea Good For?

The antioxidants in turmeric tea bind with free radicals in your body that can cause cellular damage. The curcumin in turmeric tea is responsible for the antioxidant benefits, the anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce osteoarthritis discomfort and helps to lessen the chances of a blood clot. In addition, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, turmeric:

  • improves indigestion, gas and bloating
  • lessens stomach ulcers and ulcerative colitis
  • reduce risk of heart disease
  • has anti-cancer properties
  • can treat Alzheimer, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis- but these conditions should also be treated under the guidance of a qualified medical professional
  • shows promise in fighting bacteria and viruses

Possible Side Effects of Drinking Turmeric Tea

Most people can comfortably drink turmeric tea without any side effects. However, there is always the possibility of an herbal allergy, so begin use slowly and follow your doctor’s recommendations. Turmeric tea may interfere with other medications such as those that:

  • treat diabetes since turmeric may lower blood sugar levels
  • thin blood, since turmeric may thin blood- caution should also be taken prior to surgery
  • reduce stomach acid

When taken at the recommended dose, turmeric tea has few side effects. If you take more than recommended, you may experience stomach upset or create an ulcer. Turmeric is also not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

What Does Turmeric Tea Taste Lake?

The root of the turmeric plant has a bitter, peppery and sharp taste. Since the benefits are outstanding, try to combine turmeric with other spices such as ginger or lemon, honey or sugar to alter the taste to your level. Fresh turmeric gives a more vibrant flavor than ground or fermented turmeric.


Favorite Recipe

You can purchase pre-made turmeric powder tea at your local store. Or, you can create your own turmeric tea this way:

  • Boil four cups of water
  • Add 1 tsp of ground turmeric
  • Steep tea for 10 minutes
  • Strain your tea
  • Cool to desired temperature

What We Like and Do Not Like About This Herbal Tea

Turmeric tea is a simple way to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. Since illness and inflammation concerns such as fibromyalgia, arthritis and lupus seem to be increasing, finding alternative health solutions is key. Drinking one or two cups a day of turmeric tea between meals offers a natural alternative to help reduce the effects of daily conditions.

Since turmeric is a relatively safe herb, most people can tolerate the tea without any severe side effects. It is also a safe solution for indigestion problems and can be discreetly used at work.

Use caution when dealing with turmeric, as its yellow coloring may stain whatever it comes into contact with. This includes skin, teeth, countertops and mugs.

Did You Know?

  • Even if you have not enjoyed a cup of turmeric tea, you have probably already tasted the spice. It is used to provide the yellow coloring in mustard, and some butters and cheeses.
  • In Okinawa, Japan, turmeric is widely used. Okinawans have the longest, average life span of 81.2 years.
  • Turmeric tea may boost your memory as it has been shown to reduce the accumulation of plaque in the brain.